Page 3 - LABL-Year-End-Review-2021-22
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         SECURITY & FACILITIES                    PLACE BRANDING                        LONG-ESTABLISHED
       MANAGEMENT BUSINESS                      & DIGITAL SPECIALIST                    HAULAGE BUSINESS
        required funding to support             required flexible funding              required flexible funding
             growth ambitions                    to support growth plans              to support planned growth
           Leumi ABL provided                     Leumi ABL provided                     Leumi ABL provided
        £6m structured ABL facility             £multi-million ABL facility        ABL package comprising £3.5m
        including CID + Term Loans                   comprising CID                 CID facility + £1.5m CBILS loan
                                                + Property Term funding

      LEADING PARCEL DELIVERY                      INTERNATIONAL                           ANIMAL FEED
        & LOGISTICS BUSINESS                    PAPER CUP SUPPLIER                           PRODUCER

        required finance to support             required flexible funding              required flexible funding
         acquisition and expansion                 to support strategic                to support growth plans
           Leumi ABL provided                         growth plan                        Leumi ABL provided
                                                  Leumi ABL provided
        £17m structured ABL facility                                               £14.5m structured ABL package
                                                   £multi-million CID
                                               + Plant & Machinery facility

            INTERNATIONAL                    SUPPLIER OF VEGETABLES                        RECRUITMENT
             FOOD GROUP                        AND ARABLE PRODUCE                             BUSINESS
        required funding to support             required flexible funding             required structured finance
              growth strategy                    to support future growth              package to support MBO
             Leumi ABL co-led                     Leumi ABL provided                 and provide working capital
         £74m club lending facility            £multi-million ABL package                Leumi ABL provided
          comprising £55m CID,                 comprising invoice finance,           £15m structured ABL facility
       £10m revolving credit facility            P&M + property finance
             + £9m term loan

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